BulletArm Baselines

This subpackage implements a collection of state-of-the-art baseline algorithms to benchmark new methods against. The algorithms provided cover a wide range of state and action spaces for either open-loop control or close-loop control. Additionally, we provide a number of logging and plotting utilities for ease of use.

Open-Loop Benchmarks


  1. Install PyTorch (Recommended: pytorch==1.7.0, torchvision==0.8.1)

  2. (Optional, required for 6D benchmark) Install CuPy

  3. Install other required packages

pip install -r baseline_requirements.txt
  1. Goto the baseline directory

cd helping_hands_rl_envs/helping_hands_rl_baselines/fc_dqn/scripts

Open-Loop 2D Benchmarks

python main.py  --algorithm=[algorithm] --architecture=[architecture] --action_sequence=xyp --random_orientation=f --env=[env]
  • Select [algorithm] from: sdqfd (recommended), dqfd, adet, dqn

  • Select [architecture] from: equi_fcn (recommended), cnn_fcn

  • Add --fill_buffer_deconstruct to use deconstruction planner for gathering expert data.

Open-Loop 3D Benchmarks

python main.py --algorithm=[algorithm] --architecture=[architecture] --env=[env]
  • Select [algorithm] from: sdqfd (recommended), dqfd, adet, dqn

  • Select [architecture] from: equi_asr (recommended), cnn_asr, equi_fcn, cnn_fcn, rot_fcn

  • Add --fill_buffer_deconstruct to use deconstruction planner for gathering expert data.

Open-Loop 6D Benchmarks

python main.py  --algorithm=[algorithm] --architecture=[architecture] --action_sequence=xyzrrrp --patch_size=[patch_size] --env=[env]
  • Select [algorithm] from: sdqfd (recommended), dqfd, adet, dqn

  • Select [architecture] from: equi_deictic_asr (recommended), cnn_asr

  • Set [patch_size] to be 40 (recommended, required for bumpy_box_palletizing environment) or 24

  • Add --fill_buffer_deconstruct to use deconstruction planner for gathering expert data.

Additional Training Arguments

See bulletarm_baselines/fc_dqn/utils/parameters.py

Close-Loop Benchmarks


  1. Install PyTorch (Recommended: pytorch==1.7.0, torchvision==0.8.1)

  2. Install other required packages

pip install -r baseline_requirements.txt
  1. Goto the baseline directory

cd helping_hands_rl_envs/helping_hands_rl_baselines/equi_rl/scripts

Close-Loop 3D Benchmarks

python main.py --algorithm=[algorithm] --action_sequence=pxyz --random_orientation=f --env=[env]
  • Select [algorithm] from: sac, sacfd, equi_sac, equi_sacfd, ferm_sac, ferm_sacfd, rad_sac, rad_sacfd, drq_sac, drq_sacfd

Close-Loop 4D Benchmarks

python main.py --algorithm=[algorithm] --env=[env]
  • Select [algorithm] from: sac, sacfd, equi_sac, equi_sacfd, ferm_sac, ferm_sacfd, rad_sac, rad_sacfd, drq_sac, drq_sacfd

  • To use PER and data augmentation buffer, add --buffer=per_expert_aug

Additional Training Arguments

See bulletarm_baselines/equi_rl/utils/parameters.py

Logging & Plotting Utilities

To assist with debugging new algorithms, we include the logging and plotting tools which we use for the baselines. The logger wraps Tensorboard and provides numerous functions to log various details of the training process. An example of the information the logger displays can be seen below. In addition to the default data, any additional data can be added as desired using the updateScalars() function. The plotter is currently in its infancy but provides a easy way to plot and compare different algorithms when using the provided logger.


An example run showing the default information captured by the logger.


class Logger(results_path, checkpoint_interval=500, num_eval_eps=100, hyperparameters=None)[source]

Logger class. Writes log data to tensorboard.

  • results_path (str) – Path to save log files to

  • num_eval_eps (int) – Number of episodes in a evaluation iteration

  • hyperparameters (dict) – Hyperparameters to log. Defaults to None


Export log data as a pickle


filepath (str) – The filepath to save the exported data to

getAvg(l, n=0)[source]

Numpy mean wrapper to handle empty lists.

  • l (list[float]) – The list

  • n (int) – Number of trail elements to average over. Defaults to entire list.


List average

Return type



Calculate the average loss of previous n steps :param n: the number of previous training steps to calculate the average loss


the average loss value


Get data from the scalar log dict.


keys (str | list[str]) – Key or list of keys to get from the scalar log dict


Single object when single key is passed or dict containing objects from

all keys

Return type

Object | Dict

loadCheckPoint(checkpoint_dir, agent_load_func, buffer_load_func)[source]

Load the checkpoint

  • checkpoint_dir – the directory of the checkpoint to load

  • agent_load_func (func) – the agent’s loading checkpoint function. agent_load_func must take a dict as input to load the agent’s checkpoint

  • buffer_load_func (func) – the buffer’s loading checkpoint function. buffer_load_func must take a dict as input to load the buffer’s checkpoint

logEvalEpisode(rewards, values=None, discounted_return=None)[source]

Log a evaluation episode.

  • (list[float] (rewards) – Rewards for the episode

  • values (list[float]) – Values for the episode

  • discounted_return (list[float]) – Discounted return of the episode

logStep(rewards, done_masks)[source]

Log episode step.

  • rewards (list[float]) – List of rewards

  • done_masks (list[int]) –


Log a episode.


(list[float] (rewards) – Rewards for the entire episode

saveCheckPoint(agent_save_state, buffer_save_state)[source]

Save the checkpoint

  • agent_save_state (dict) – the agent’s save state for checkpointing

  • buffer_save_state (dict) – the buffer’s save state for checkpointing


Save the parameters as a json file


parameters – parameter dict to save

updateScalars(keys, values=None)[source]

Update the scalar log dict with new values.

  • key (str | dict) – Either key to update to the given value or a collection of key-value pairs to update

  • value (Object) – Value to update the key to in the log dir. Defaults to None


Write the logdir to the tensorboard summary writer. Calling this too often can slow down training.


class Plotter(log_filepaths, log_names)[source]

Plotting utility.

loadLogs(filepaths, names)[source]
plotLearningCurve(name, title, filepath, window=100)[source]

Plot the learning curve for the given episode rewards.


plotLearningCurves(title, filepath, window=100, max_eps=None)[source]

Plot mulitple learning curves on a single plot.
