Benchmark Tasks

Block Reaching

class CloseLoopBlockReachingEnv(config)[source]

Close loop block reaching task.

The robot needs to place the gripper close to a cubic block.


config (dict) – Intialization arguments for the env

Block Pushing

class CloseLoopBlockPushingEnv(config)[source]

Close loop block pushing task.

The robot needs to push a block into a goal area.


config (dict) – Intialization arguments for the env

Block Pulling

class CloseLoopBlockPullingEnv(config)[source]

Close loop block pulling task.

The robot needs to pullone of the two blocks to make contact with the other block.


config (dict) – Intialization arguments for the env

Block Picking

class CloseLoopBlockPickingEnv(config)[source]

Close loop block picking task.

The robot needs to pick up all N cubic blocks. The number of blocks N is set by the config.


config (dict) – Intialization arguments for the env

Block Stacking

class BlockStackingEnv(config)[source]

Open loop block stacking task.

The robot needs to stack all N cubic blocks. The number of blocks N is set by the config.


config (dict) – Intialization arguments for the env

class CloseLoopBlockStackingEnv(config)[source]

Close loop block stacking task.

The robot needs to stack all N cubic blocks. The number of blocks N is set by the config.


config (dict) – Intialization arguments for the env

Block In Bowl

class CloseLoopBlockInBowlEnv(config)[source]

Close loop block in bowl task.

The robot needs to pick up a block and place it inside a bowl.


config (dict) – Intialization arguments for the env

House Building 1

class HouseBuilding1Env(config)[source]

Open loop house building 1 task.

The robot needs to first stack N-1 cubic blocks then place a triangle block on top of the stack. The number of blocks N is set by the config.


config (dict) – Intialization arguments for the env

class CloseLoopHouseBuilding1Env(config)[source]

Close loop house building 1 task.

The robot needs to stack N-1 cubic blocks then place a triangle block on top of the stack. The number of blocks N is set by the config.


config (dict) – Intialization arguments for the env

House Building 2

class HouseBuilding2Env(config)[source]

Open loop house building 2 task.

The robot needs to first place two cubic blocks adjacent to each other, then place a roof on top.


config (dict) – Intialization arguments for the env

House Building 3

class HouseBuilding3Env(config)[source]

Open loop house building 3 task.

The robot needs to: (1) place two cubic blocks adjacent to each other, (2) put a cuboid on top of the two cubic bricks, (3) put a roof on top of the cuboid.


config (dict) – Intialization arguments for the env

House Building 4

class HouseBuilding4Env(config)[source]

Open loop house building 4 task.

The robot needs to: (1) place two cubic blocks adjacent to each other, (2) put a cuboid on top of the two cubic bricks, (3) put another two cubic blocks on top of the cuboid, (4) put a root on top of the structure.


config (dict) – Intialization arguments for the env

Improvise House Building 2

class ImproviseHouseBuilding2Env(config)[source]

Open loop improvise house building 2 task.

The robot needs to first place two blocks adjacent to each other, then place a roof on top. The two base blocks are randomly generated shapes.


config (dict) – Intialization arguments for the env

Improvise House Building 3

class ImproviseHouseBuilding3Env(config)[source]

Open loop improvise house building 3 task.

The robot needs to: (1) place two blocks adjacent to each other, (2) put a cuboid on top of the two cubic bricks, (3) put a roof on top of the cuboid. The two base blocks are randomly generated shapes.


config (dict) – Intialization arguments for the env

Bin Packing

class BlockBinPackingEnv(config)[source]

Open loop bin packing task.

The robot needs to pack the N blocks in the workspace inside a bin. The number of blocks N is set by the config.


config (dict) – Intialization arguments for the env

Bottle Arrangement

class BottleTrayEnv(config)[source]

Open loop bottle arrangement task.

The robot needs to arrange six bottle in the tray.


config (dict) – Intialization arguments for the env

Box Palletizing

class BoxPalletizingEnv(config)[source]

Open loop box palletizing task.

The robot needs to palletize N boxes on top of a pallet. The number of blocks N is set by the config.


config (dict) – Intialization arguments for the env

Covid Test

class CovidTestEnv(config)[source]

Open loop covid test task.

The robot needs to supervise three covid tests and gather the test tubes.


config (dict) – Intialization arguments for the env

Corner Picking

class CloseLoopBlockPickingCornerEnv(config)[source]

Close loop corner block picking task.

The robot needs to slide the block away from the corner and then pick it up.


config (dict) – Intialization arguments for the env

Drawer Opening

class CloseLoopDrawerOpeningEnv(config)[source]

Close loop drawer opening task.

The robot needs to pull the handle of the drawer to open it.


config (dict) – Intialization arguments for the env

Object Grasping

class ObjectGrasping(config)[source]

Open loop object grasping task.

The robot needs to pick up and object in a cluttered scene containing N random objects. The number of blocks N is set by the config.


config (dict) – Intialization arguments for the env

class CloseLoopHouseholdPickingEnv(config)[source]

Close loop object grasping task.

The robot needs to pick up an object in a cluttered scene containing N random objects. The number of blocks N is set by the config.


config (dict) – Intialization arguments for the env