import pybullet as pb
import numpy as np
from bulletarm.pybullet.utils import constants
from bulletarm.envs.close_loop_envs.close_loop_env import CloseLoopEnv
from bulletarm.pybullet.utils import transformations
from bulletarm.planners.close_loop_block_pushing_planner import CloseLoopBlockPushingPlanner
from bulletarm.pybullet.equipments.tray import Tray
from bulletarm.pybullet.utils.constants import NoValidPositionException
[docs]class CloseLoopBlockPushingEnv(CloseLoopEnv):
''' Close loop block pushing task.
The robot needs to push a block into a goal area.
config (dict): Intialization arguments for the env
def __init__(self, config):
self.goal_pos = self.workspace.mean(1)[:2]
self.goal_id = None
self.goal_grid_size_half = 11
self.goal_size = self.goal_grid_size_half * 2 * self.obs_size_m / self.heightmap_size
def getGoalPixel(self, gripper_pos=None):
if gripper_pos is None:
gripper_pos = self.robot._getEndEffectorPosition()
goal_pixel_x = (self.goal_pos[0] - gripper_pos[0]) / self.heightmap_resolution + self.heightmap_size // 2
goal_pixel_y = (self.goal_pos[1] - gripper_pos[1]) / self.heightmap_resolution + self.heightmap_size // 2
return round(goal_pixel_x), round(goal_pixel_y)
def reset(self):
while True:
if not self.random_orientation:
padding = 0.08+0.05
min_distance = 0.09
x = np.random.random() * (self.workspace_size - padding) + self.workspace[0][0] + padding / 2
while True:
y1 = np.random.random() * (self.workspace_size - padding) + self.workspace[1][0] + padding / 2
y2 = np.random.random() * (self.workspace_size - padding) + self.workspace[1][0] + padding / 2
if max(y1, y2) - min(y1, y2) > min_distance:
self._generateShapes(constants.CUBE, 1, pos=[[x, y1, self.object_init_z]], random_orientation=False)
goal_pos = [x, y2]
self._generateShapes(constants.CUBE, 1, random_orientation=self.random_orientation)
# pb.changeDynamics(self.objects[0].object_id, -1, lateralFriction=0.1)
goal_pos = self._getValidPositions(0.08+0.05, 0.09, self.getObjectPositions()[:, :2].tolist(), 1)[0]
self.goal_pos = goal_pos
except NoValidPositionException as e:
if self.goal_id is not None:
goal_visual = pb.createVisualShape(pb.GEOM_BOX, halfExtents=[self.goal_size/2, self.goal_size/2, 0.0025], rgbaColor=[0, 0, 1, 1])
self.goal_id = pb.createMultiBody(baseMass=0,
basePosition=[*self.goal_pos, 0],
baseOrientation=transformations.quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, 0), )
return self._getObservation()
def _getHeightmap(self, gripper_pos=None, gripper_rz=None):
heightmap = super()._getHeightmap(gripper_pos, gripper_rz)
goal_x, goal_y = self.getGoalPixel(gripper_pos)
# heightmap[max(goal_x-self.goal_grid_size, 0):min(goal_x+self.goal_grid_size, self.heightmap_size-1), max(goal_y-self.goal_grid_size, 0):min(goal_y+self.goal_grid_size, self.heightmap_size-1)] += 0.025
test_x = np.arange(goal_x - self.goal_grid_size_half, goal_x + self.goal_grid_size_half, 1)
test_x = test_x[(0 <= test_x) & (test_x < 128)]
test_y = np.arange(goal_y - self.goal_grid_size_half, goal_y + self.goal_grid_size_half, 1)
test_y = test_y[(0 <= test_y) & (test_y < 128)]
# heightmap[test_x, test_y] += 0.025
X2D, Y2D = np.meshgrid(test_x, test_y)
out = np.column_stack((X2D.ravel(), Y2D.ravel())).astype(int)
heightmap[out[:, 0].reshape(-1), out[:, 1].reshape(-1)] += 0.02
return heightmap
def _checkTermination(self):
obj_pos = self.objects[0].getPosition()[:2]
return np.linalg.norm(np.array(self.goal_pos) - np.array(obj_pos)) < 0.05
def isSimValid(self):
for obj in self.objects:
p = obj.getPosition()
if self._isObjectHeld(obj):
if not self.workspace[0][0]-0.05 < p[0] < self.workspace[0][1]+0.05 and \
self.workspace[1][0]-0.05 < p[1] < self.workspace[1][1]+0.05 and \
self.workspace[2][0] < p[2] < self.workspace[2][1]:
return False
return True
def createCloseLoopBlockPushingEnv(config):
return CloseLoopBlockPushingEnv(config)