About Me

I am a PhD student at Northeastern University pursing my doctorate in Computer Science with a focus on robotics and AI. I am working in the Helping Hands Lab advised by Professor Robert Platt. My recent work has focused on leverging symmetries in both visual and force domains to robotic manipulation with a emphasis on physical on-robot learning in the real world.



My research lives at the intersection of perception and planning/control for robotic manipulation in unstructured environments. I work in the areas of deep learning and reinforcement learning focusing on learning policies directly from sensor input to accomplish complex dexterious tasks. Other interests include stochastic models, simulation environments, model architectures, and physical robotic systems.



Henry David Thoreau once said the purpose of life was “…to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life”. He then decided the best way to do this was to go live in the woods like a hermit. Following the literal interpretation rather than the spirit, I try to create the best food and drink that I can.