.. moduleauthor: Colin Kohler <github.com/ColinKohler>
import copy
import numpy as np
import numpy.random as npr
from bulletarm.envs import env_fn
from bulletarm.planners.planner_factory import getPlannerFn
from bulletarm.runner import MultiRunner, SingleRunner
[docs]def getEnvFn(env_type):
Get the env creation function of the given type.
env_type (str): The type of environment to create
function: A function which creates the env when run
if env_type in env_fn.CREATE_ENV_FNS:
return env_fn.CREATE_ENV_FNS[env_type]
raise ValueError('Invalid environment type passed to factory. No env for {}'.format(env_type))
[docs]def createEnvs(num_processes, env_type, env_config={}, planner_config={}):
Wrapper function to create either a single env the the main process or some
number of envs each in their own seperate process.
num_processes (int): Number of envs to create
env_type (str): The type of environment to create
env_config (dict): Intialization arguments for the env
planner_config (dict): Intialization arguments for the planner
EnvRunner: SingleRunner or MultiRunner containing the environment
if num_processes == 0:
return createSingleProcessEnv(env_type, env_config, planner_config)
return createMultiprocessEnvs(num_processes, env_type, env_config, planner_config)
[docs]def createSingleProcessEnv(env_type, env_config={}, planner_config={}):
Create a single environment
env_type (str): The type of environment to create
env_config (dict): Intialization arguments for the env
planner_config (dict): Intialization arguments for the planner
SingleRunner: SingleRunner containing the environment
# Check to make sure a seed is given and generate a random one if it is not
if env_type == 'multi_task':
for config in env_config:
config['seed'] = config['seed'] if 'seed' in config else npr.randint(1000)
env_config['seed'] = env_config['seed'] if 'seed' in env_config else npr.randint(1000)
# Create the environment and planner if planner_config exists
env_func = getEnvFn(env_type)
env = env_func(env_config)
planner = getPlannerFn(env_type, planner_config)(env)
return SingleRunner(env, planner)
[docs]def createMultiprocessEnvs(num_processes, env_type, env_config={}, planner_config={}):
Create a number of environments on different processes to run in parralel
num_processes (int): Number of envs to create
env_type (str): The type of environment to create
env_config (dict): Intialization arguments for the env
planner_config (dict): Intialization arguments for the planner
MultiRunner: MultiRunner containing all environments
# Clone env config and set seeds for the different processes
env_configs = [copy.deepcopy(env_config) for _ in range(num_processes)]
for i, env_config in enumerate(env_configs):
if env_type == 'multi_task':
for config in env_config:
config['seed'] = config['seed'] + i if 'seed' in config else npr.randint(1000)
env_config['seed'] = env_config['seed'] + i if 'seed' in env_config else npr.randint(1000)
# Create the various environments
env_func = getEnvFn(env_type)
def getEnv(c):
def _thunk():
return env_func(c)
return _thunk
envs = [getEnv(env_configs[i]) for i in range(num_processes)]
planners = [getPlannerFn(env_type, planner_config) for i in range(num_processes)]
return MultiRunner(envs, planners)